CTA 2023 Tournaments

Call to Arms 2023 will feature tournaments as usual! These will include Horus Heresy, Bolt Action, Infinity, and the Young Jedi World Championships to start. We are working on other securing other events. We are hoping to add Age of Sigmar and possibly a few others! Please stay tuned for updates.

Tournament Schedule

Check with your TOs for specific information!


TO Ben Marsh

Horus Heresy Narrative Event

Main Ballroom


TO Kalissa Skibicki 

Bolt Action Tournament

Berkeley Room


TO Jordon Weatherwax

Age of Sigmar RTT

Included with Gen Admission. Berkeley Room


TO Bob Fletcher 

Infinity Tournament

Plantation Room


TO Away Games

Warhammer 40k Tournament

Berkeley Room


TO Tim Grabowski

Young Jedi World Championships ’23

The unofficial championship for the Decipher Card Game


TO Jack Potter

Adeptus Titanicus

No cost to enter – use normal registration & sign up here